Friday, July 1, 2011

Homemade Milkshakes.

I had some cousins visiting earlier this week. We decided to make homemade milkshakes. We didn't go by a recipe, we made it up as went. So it ended up not turning out as well as I'd hoped. Too much fudge! My fault. But here are some pictures!

Vanilla ice cream, fudge, milk, chewy chocolate chip cookies, and mini oreos, and Sierra's foot.

This is where I messed up. I wasn't thinking that we had chocolate chip cookies and tons of little oreos all in the milkshake before I took three huge globs of fudge and put it in the Ninja!

I think they were pretty good for being our first try :). Next time we'll remember not to use so much chocolate!! By the way, I highly recommend the Ninja blender.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Last Song

I just finished reading The Last Song. I have to say that it was even better than the movie. There are so many different little (and big) things that happen in the book that isn't even shown in the movie. Plus, for the people who can't stand Miley Cyrus, reading the book would probably be the better thing to do instead of watching the movie. I recommend the movie & the book!

Now I have to decide what book to start reading next. I have The Notebook (which I have already read several times), Carrie, The Shining, Everything's Eventual 1408, and A Walk To Remember to chose from and I'm having a hard time choosing one!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Room Tour

I'm just going to tour my room since it is the only room in my house that I organized and arranged myself. Also with the help of Princess Kendall. Hopefully this will inspire her to do a room tour as well since her room is the best room ever.


In the bottom left-hand corner I have my ottoman that contains a ton of board games. A little to the left of it is a neatly organized basket that has all of my hair supplies in it. In front of it, which is kind of hard to see in this picture, is my pink makeup case.

I made this necklace holder myself :).

1. Mirror that I bought for $5 at Walmart. I take it down
    everytime I do my hair & makeup since it is
    unfortunately the only mirror in my room since I have
    shattered  3 other full length mirrors.
2. Two of the purses that I use most often. I have the other
     ones hanging in my closet.
3. Yes, that is a piggy pillow & you can see it's eyes looking
     out from under the covers.
4. My People magazine collector's edition of The Royal
    Wedding that I just bought yesterday.
5. The Last Song book I'm reading.
6. Kitty bed.
7. My cell phone.

1. My earring holder. I'm going to need to get another one because I have too many earrings. I just love earrings!
2. Some of my books. The Twilight Saga, two books by Tori Spelling (autobiographies), Johnny Cash biography, ect. And a picture of me & Sierra when we were in preschool.
3. These are lots of pictures. Some of my mom & aunt when they were teenagers, some of when they were little babies, and some when me & Sierra were little.
4. More pictures and all of my perfumes.
5. Jessica Simpson's wedding book, my yoga outfit box, and an old music/jewelry box. And a flashlight that has no batteries.
6. Pretty boxes that have tons of letters that Josh wrote me in high school.

My perfumes are all on an old mirror tray that my grandmother had. It's kind of full :-P.

Next to my bed. My DVD rack that is completely full. I have all of my movies oganized by genre. I'm super organized... The calender is a flower calender. I mark down everything I do every day on it. I like to go back and see what I was doing different days.

My nightstand. On the left is a piece of wood that has a cross figure made on it (I made it at Vacation Bible School) and a small Bible. Nivea face moisturizer...I had to run out at buy it when I found out it is what Kate Middleton uses :D. Some of my medications, haha. And a stack of my Prince William & Catherine books.

My closet. It has more room to the left and right of this picture. All I have there is just stacked up boxes & quilts. Here you can see my yoga mat, some games, some shoes, some of my purses. In the organizer on the top drawer is all of my bikinis and cover ups. Second drawer is full-and I mean FULL- of most of the decorations for my bedroom for holidays. Bottom drawer is full of my school books and information. And I see a lightbulb that got thrown in there... OH and you see most of my Spring & Summer clothes. They are organized by color and by sleeve length. I'm obessed.

1. Teddy bear made out of one of Nannie's favorite shirts that Hospice made for us.
2. Some of my stuffed pigs. You can find them throughout my room.
3. Cup with dead flowers (gardinias) from our yard. They smell SO good. One of my favorite flowers (the other one is lily).
4. Horse that Josh's mom made me.
5.  Jasper's cup that has his special food I make for him.
6. Big piece of wood that has stuffed carved out and burned onto it that Josh made me for...I think it was for Christmas 2009? It has a heart-a-gram and says "Forever & Ever" and on the side it has our anniversary date burned into it.
7. Picture of Nannie when she was a baby.
8. Most of my lotions and body scrubs are kept neatly organized in the green basket. You can't see but next to it I have a see-through green cup that keeps all of my nailpolish together.
9. My tv. That is old. It has a DVD player and VCR connected to it. Notice the Casey Anthony trial is on the tv :D.
10. In the red basket I have a few little random things like my camcorder, hair brush, and some papers and coupons. And to the right of that is one of my jewelry boxes.
11. My little green trash can :).

Monday, June 13, 2011

Drive-In Movie Date

Saturday night me & Josh went to the drive in movie theater to see Bridesmaids and The Hangover 2. It was the first time in a while that we have gotten to go out on a date because he is always working & in school.

Bridesmaids was extremely disappointing. I had high hopes for it-and it had its few pretty funny moments but for the most-part it was kind of dull. I don't plan on seeing it again...

I was also expecting The Hangover two to be either better or worse than the first one but it was actually about the same! So I recommend it :).

I had a great time with the love of my life! We ate hot dogs & chili cheese fries & laughed at the people who were sitting outside of their cars & try to scramble all of their chairs & blankets together when it began to thunder, lightening, and pour down rain!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Things I Love...

Vera Wang Princess lotion
This is one of the best lotions I have ever had. It smells so good & makes my skin feel so soft.

Victoria Secret's Garden Midnight Mimosa
I put this on after every shower. I'm addicted to it!

Maybelline XXL Extension
My favorite mascara...& I've tried a lot.

Kingston Plantation, Myrtle Beach, SC.
This is my favorite vacation spot ever!!

Diet Mountain Dew
I go through this stuff so fast.

Halloween (The original)
My favorite movie of all time. Been watching it since I was 2 years old.

The Twilight Saga
Some of my favorite books :).

William & Catherine
My favorite couple to keep up with. I could go on & on!

Casey Anthony Murder Trial
I'm so interested in this case & have kept up with it since the beginning. I've had my butt plopped in front of the tv just about every single day watching the trial. Again, I could go on & on about this!